Junior School

Primary Stage

At Dover International school we create and develop a curriculum that aims to meet each child’s needs, fostering their development into well-rounded, lifelong learners.

We prioritise inclusivity, dedicating ourselves to ensuring that every child has equal access to all aspects of the curriculum.

Additionally, we place a key focus on cultivating a comprehensive and well-balanced curriculum, providing children with opportunities to enhance their skills across a spectrum of subjects. We establish connections between disciplines to optimize learning experiences, thereby fostering creative thinking in children.

Junior School

Key Stage

Year Group

Age Range

Key Stage 1

Year 1

5 – 7 years

Year 2

Key Stage 2

Year 3

7-11 years

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



The Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculum adheres to the International Curriculum, utilizing the Cambridge framework to instruct subjects such as English (first language), Mathematics, Science, Computing, Modern Foreign Languages, and Global Perspectives. This approach is tailored to meet the educational requirements of all DIS children. Furthermore, in alignment with the Egyptian Ministry of Education, Key Stage 1 and 2 incorporate the curriculum for Arabic, Religion, and Egyptian Social Studies.”


In Key Stage 1 and 2, English as a first language is central to our curriculum, emphasizing the integration of essential language skills. We foster a comprehensive approach to language development, encompassing reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Through engaging activities and interactive learning experiences, we aim to enhance students’ proficiency in English, ensuring they are well-equipped for effective communication and expression. Our curriculum encourages a love for literature, nurturing the joy of reading, and fostering creative writing abilities. The integration of these skills is fundamental in empowering students to navigate various forms of communication with confidence.

The main aims of the English Curriculum from Year 1 to 6 are to enable children to:

  • Read smoothly and with solid comprehension.
  • Cultivate the practice of reading extensively and regularly, both for enjoyment and acquiring information.
  • Develop an extensive vocabulary, a grasp of grammar, and familiarity with linguistic conventions applicable to reading, writing, and spoken language.
  • Express thoughts in writing clearly, precisely, and cohesively, adjusting language and style for various contexts, objectives, and audiences.
  • Engage in discussions as a means of learning; students should be capable of articulating their comprehension and ideas clearly.
  • Attain proficiency in the arts of speaking and listening, including delivering formal presentations, demonstrating concepts to others, and actively participating in debates.


The Mathematics curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation for students, integrating essential mathematical skills in a cohesive manner. We emphasize a hands-on and interactive approach to learning, fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Through engaging activities and real-world applications, students develop not only computational skills but also critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Our curriculum is structured to build a progressive and interconnected understanding of mathematical principles, ensuring a smooth transition from one stage to the next. We strive to create an environment where students feel confident in their mathematical abilities and are equipped to apply these skills in various contexts.

The main aims of the Mathematics Curriculum from Year 1 to 6 are to enable children to:

  • Develop a solid foundation in numeracy, including an understanding of numbers and their relationships.
  • Cultivate proficiency in basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills by applying mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios.
  • Explore and understand mathematical patterns and relationships.
  • Develop spatial awareness and geometry skills.
  • Enhance measurement skills, including understanding units of measurement and solving measurement problems.
  • Master data handling and statistical concepts.
  • Build a solid foundation in mathematical reasoning and logic.
  • Develop an appreciation for the relevance and applicability of mathematics in everyday life.
  • Transition seamlessly between different mathematical topics, laying the groundwork for more advanced concepts in later stages of education.


The Science curriculum is designed to inspire curiosity and exploration, laying the foundation for a solid understanding of scientific principles. We adopt an inquiry-based approach, encouraging students to actively engage in hands-on experiments and investigations. Our curriculum emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, observation, and the ability to make connections between scientific concepts and the world around them. Through a carefully structured progression, students explore various branches of science, from life sciences to physical and earth sciences. We integrate cross-disciplinary skills such as observation, data collection, and analysis, fostering a holistic understanding of scientific inquiry. The goal is to instill a love for science, cultivate a spirit of inquiry, and equip students with the skills needed to navigate and contribute to an ever-evolving world.

The main aims of the Science Curriculum from Year 1 to 6 are to enable children to:

  • Develop curiosity and interest in the natural world.
  • Acquire foundational knowledge in life sciences, including plants, animals, and the human body.
  • Explore the principles of physical science, including forces, materials, and energy.
  • Understand Earth and space sciences, including the solar system, weather, and ecosystems.
  • Develop inquiry and investigative skills through hands-on experiments and observations.
  • Foster critical thinking and the ability to make connections between scientific concepts.
  • Develop scientific vocabulary and the ability to communicate findings effectively.
  • Understand the importance of environmental responsibility and sustainability.
  • Cultivate a scientific mindset, including the ability to question, analyze, and evaluate information.
  • Transition seamlessly between different scientific topics, building a strong foundation for future scientific exploration.

Social Studies

We employ an interdisciplinary approach, integrating skills across different topics to provide students with a holistic understanding of the world. Through engaging lessons, interactive activities, and real-world connections, our aim is to develop critical thinking, research, and analytical skills. The curriculum is designed to foster an understanding of diverse cultures, events, and geographical features. Our goal is to nurture global awareness, empathy, and a sense of responsibility, preparing students to be informed and engaged citizens in an interconnected world.

The main aims of The Social Studies Curriculum from Year 1 to 6 are to enable children to:

  • Explore the diversity of cultures, traditions, and societies around the world.
  • Develop research and inquiry skills for historical and geographical investigations.
  • Foster critical thinking about social issues and their historical context.
  • Enhance understanding of global interconnectedness and interdependence.
  • Encourage empathy and respect for diverse perspectives and cultures.
  • Cultivate a sense of civic responsibility and an awareness of one’s role in shaping the world.


The ICT curriculum is designed to empower students with the essential digital skills needed in today’s technology-driven world. We adopt a hands-on and interactive approach, integrating computing skills across various subjects to provide a well-rounded learning experience. The curriculum emphasizes problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, fostering a mindset that enables students to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. By integrating computing skills into other subjects, we aim to show students how technology can enhance learning and address real-world challenges, ensuring they are well-prepared for the demands of the digital age.

Art and Design

The Art and Design curriculum is crafted to unleash the creative potential in every student. Through a hands-on and exploratory approach, we encourage students to express themselves visually and develop a keen artistic sensibility.

The main aims of the Art and Design Curriculum from Year 1 to 6 are to enable children to:

  • Develop fundamental artistic skills such as drawing and painting.
  • Cultivate creativity and self-expression through artistic exploration.
  • Explore a variety of artistic techniques and mediums.
  • Develop an understanding of the elements and principles of art and design.
  • Foster an appreciation for art history and diverse artistic traditions.
  • Encourage experimentation with different materials and techniques.

Creative Development (Expressive Arts & Design)

Expressive arts and design involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for the sharing of thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology. Whilst exploring and using different media, children will sing, make music and dance, as well as use different materials, tools and techniques to experiment with colour, design, texture, form and function. Being imaginative is also very important. Children are encouraged to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings using media and materials through creative activities such as art and design, music, dance, role play and storytelling.


The Languages curriculum, focusing on French and German, is designed to instill a love for language learning and foster cultural understanding. Through interactive and immersive experiences, students are exposed to the richness of these languages and the diverse cultures they represent. The curriculum integrates language skills seamlessly, incorporating listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises to develop well-rounded language proficiency. Emphasizing communicative competence, we encourage students to engage in conversations, express ideas, and understand cultural nuances. By incorporating language learning into various subjects, we aim to demonstrate the practical applications of multilingualism and enhance students’ appreciation for linguistic diversity.

The main aims of the Languages Curriculum (French/German) from Year 1 to 6 are to enable children to:

  • Develop basic language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • Engage in simple conversations and express ideas in the target language.
  • Understand and use basic vocabulary and grammatical structures.
  • Explore cultural traditions, customs, and practices associated with the languages studied.
  • Integrate language learning into other subjects to enhance cross-disciplinary understanding.
  • Foster a positive attitude towards language learning and an openness to diverse linguistic experiences.
  • Encourage language use in real-life situations and contexts.